Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mothers' Day

Here's a photo of me with my two girls on Mothers' Day. Makayla made me a little decorated bag with soap and a tag which said this;

"This pretty bag was made for you by little me
In it there is a lovely soap
That you will really like I hope
I decorated it with jewels and lace
And tied it in a special place
So keep it somewhere it can stay
To remind you of this Mothers' day!"

And a teapot with a tea bag which says;

"Here's a gift for Mothers' Day
I'll do my best in every way
But when you get upset with me,
Relax and have a cup of tea."

The teapot was painted in lovely pastels and included a Lipton tea bag. Plus I got a double DVD of Chicago and Shall We Dance? I had a lovely day spent with my two girls and hubby.

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